Don't Get the Sniffles From Your Bedroom

by Weichert Realtors- Brandon Realty 02/25/2019

It's the season of the year when one of the top priorities on everyone's list is to keep away from getting sick. While washing our hands and taking extra vitamins are important your bedroom could be a lurking danger to that goal. 

We spend on average 7 hours a night asleep or in our bedrooms each day, typically a little more in the winter months thanks to the sun's seeming hibernation. With so much of our time spent in that one room, you should make sure that it is not making you sick. A few things to make a habit of keeping clean are...


So often it part of the house cleaning that we put off but sheets and pillowcases should be cleaned once a week. As you sleep on it dirt, oils, dead skin, germs, even drool can accumulate leaving plenty to make you sick. 


For similar reasons, pillows should be cleaned twice a year. Thankfully most pillows can just be thrown into the wash and dryer with good results. If not, putting it in the sun can help to sanitize and deodorize it.

Under the bed

Whether you are a nit-pick or this area has become a catch-all for anything that hit your bedroom floor chances are that you overlook this area in the monthly deep clean. Clear out anything that might be negatively impacting your heal and run a vacuum or broom underneath to keep the dust from piling up.

Dust your ceiling fan

Again an often overlooked part of the room that requires regular cleaning. If you dust it once a month, it should not have a chance to send the dust fairies down onto you in the middle of your blissful sleep.

The air 

Huh? Yes, just as important to your health is the air quality of your bedroom. Let fresh air into your house and bedroom periodically. Doing this allows the air to circulate and helps germs to be flushed out. Another way to take care of the air in your bedroom is to use aromatherapy. If you are using good quality essential oils, they can help to kill bacteria and virus germs in the air and make your room smell fresh and clean. If you run the heater, it will also be a good idea to use a humidifier to make sure that dry air is not leaving your nasal passages dried out and stuffy in the process.

Your sanctuary from germs and allergens

Don't forget that your home can hold just as much responsibility for your health as many other elements around us. Do your part to stay healthy. Keep away from allergens in your home by keeping these often overlooked parts of your house clean. You will be able to remain confident, knowing that your home is your sanctuary.